DASSA Netballers Called to Action

The DASSA virtual series has expanded to netball, but with a few scoring tweaks! Make sure to watch the explainer from DASSA Vice-Chair Niall Statham below so you can see how to score the most points.

In groups of three, students will be tasked to score as many points as possible in one minute, ensuring each shot is taken from a different position.

Open to primary and secondary students, all entries are due in by March 25, 2021.

Although this competition is run by Dubai’s school sporting body, this challenge is open to every school and sporting academy across the world, so have a go and see how you compare to your peers around the globe!

To enter, tag DASSA on Instagram or Twitter and use the hashtag #DASSANetball, stating the school or academy involved and year level. Alternatively, email the videos to admin@dassasport.org. Good luck!