A sporting impact injury, or even a knock on the head can result in a serious brain injury called concussion.
Our friends at UPANDRUNNING Integrated Sports Medical Center have launched a revolutionary computerized concussion-screening test called CogState. The screening provides information that helps with the recognition, diagnosis and treatment of sports concussion.
For athletes participating in high contact sports like rugby or football, or sports where high impact injuries could occur (such as horse-riding, gymnastics, netball and basketball), baseline concussion screening should be the first step in preparing for the season.
UPANDRUNNING is offering FREE baseline testing for ALL schools that register by 31st October. The test is a simple online computer test which students can take themselves, either at home, or as part of a group test, which is supervised by UPANDRUNNING nurses and conducted in the school’s computer lab.
To register your school or find out more, please contact our CONCUSSION CLINIC NURSE – Rebekah McGinn on RebekahM@upandrunningdubai.com.
Note: students must be aged 10 years and above to take the test.