Dubai College hosted the annual Desert Dance event last weekend with over twenty schools taking part in front of huge crowds and some of the most experienced performing arts judges in town. The event, named ‘Literature', is the sixth of it’s kind in Dubai since 2014, and exists to give schools and pupils a platform to showcase all of the dance that takes place in the Dubai schools circuit, whether part of curriculum time or after-school clubs. The Desert Dance showcase is a non-competitive event, open to students of all ages and abilities and can be work that is student or teacher led.
The secondary students were first up on Thursday evening followed by the equally talented primary school pupils on Friday afternoon.
Co-organiser, Georgina Williams, of Uptown School, said: “We are immensely proud of all of the students who performed so admirably on stage. So much preparation goes in to these events but in the madness of show-time some luck is required to make everything come together.”
Co-organiser, Emma Dawson, also of Uptown School, added: “Since Desert Dance 2014, we have organised professional dance workshops for our students, giving access to a variety of dance styles. It feel so rewarding to see how far so many of Dubai’s dancers have improved in this time.”
A special mention goes out to Mr Drew from Uptown School who compered at the secondary school event in some style!
1) ‘Friendship Under the Sea’ – Uptown School | Year 4-6
2) ‘Charlie & the Chocolate Factory’ – GEMS Wellington Silicon Oasis | Year 5-6
3) ‘Explorers’ – GEMS Wellington International | Year 2-4
4) ‘Learning Made Fun’ – Greenfield | Year 3-5
5) ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ – Kent College Dubai | Year 1-3
6) ‘Once Upon a Time’ Repton | Year 4-6
7) ‘The Giraffe That Can’t Dance’ – GEMS First Point | Year 3-6
8) Deira International School | primary students
9) ‘The Sound of Silence’ – GEMS Royal Dubai | Year 3-6
10) Jumeirah Baccalaureate School | primary students
11) ‘Literature Comes Alive’ – Nord Anglia | Year 4-6
12) ‘Wings’ – Kent College | Year 4-5
1) ‘One Day’ – Uptown School | Year 7-13
2) ‘Lost In Wonderland’ – English College | Year 7-10
3) ‘Twisted Fairytale’ – Dubai College | Year 9-12
4) ‘Reading Come To Life’ – Al Raha | Year 6-9
5) ‘When I Grow Up’ – Kent College Dubai | Year 6-12
6) ‘Red Riding Hood’ – GEMS Wellington Silicon Oasis | Year 7 – 11
7) ‘Emily’s Dream’ – Greenfield Community | secondary students
8) ‘Authors Of Our Own Lives’ – Wellington International | Year 5-8
9) ‘Shakespeare Through Dance’ – Horizon International | Year 5-11
10) ‘Divergent’ – Dubai College | Year 7-8
11) Deira International | Secondary students
12) ‘Cornucopia’ – Nord Anglia International | Year 7-8
For more information on Desert Dance please visit the Facebook page.