You’ve likely already got a big calendar of fitness activities planned for the Dubai 30 x 30 Fitness Challenge beginning on Friday. Here at GYS we’ve developed our own challenge which syncs in perfectly with your upcoming month of exercise.
Powered by Movement Wins and Anta Sportswear, those who burn the most calories across the 30 days are in with a real chance to win fantastic prizes. We’re searching for the students, parents, teachers and schools that burn the most calories across the 30 x 30 challenge, using the data from your Garmin, Polar or Fitbit with a heart rate monitor.
There’s no additional effort needed from your part to be in the running. You’re already putting in all the work and this competition will run simultaneously. All you need to do is take a few seconds to fill out a simple registration form and you’ll be in the mix.
Just participate in your 30 minutes of activity for the 30 days of the challenge and you could be walking away a winner at the end of November. Prizes will be awarded for the top performing male and female student, parent and teacher, with the leading school also taking away the spoils.
To keep up motivation we’ll be doing weekly profiles on top performers because your hard work won’t be going unnoticed! Follow GYS on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to stay up to date.
You can also join in the conversation using the hashtags #GYS3030 and #KeepMoving, and by following Movement Wins and Anta Sportswear on their social media pages.
Register using the button below and check out some of the key points in the image below. Good luck!