GEMS WIS Shaping PE For The Future

Students at GEMS Wellington International School are being entrusted with something very important. They’re being asked to create the sporting culture at the school and put forward what they wish to see as the values of PE and sport at the school.

It’s a concept director of sport Hannah Underhill said helps further a sense of inclusion during a year when many have felt isolated.

“One of our main priorities this year was to build a sporting culture at the school that all members of the community can buy into and feel a part of. However, the current climate has given us an invaluable opportunity to create time in the curriculum to help the students build their own sporting culture from the bottom up,” she said.

“Subsequently, during some of their PE lessons this half term students from years 2-13 are working on a WIS PE and Sport Branding project, which involves them spending time researching the value and importance of their PE lessons, selecting core values and creating laws that they would like us all to abide by in order to make our community stronger.

“In addition, they will be tasked with coming up with a name, creating a logo and designing a kit.  All this gives them an exciting opportunity to shape the future look and feel of PE and sport at WIS leaving their legacy at the school for years to come!”


Creative juices have started flowing and the top ideas will go to a vote at the end of the half-term. Underhill is hoping that will create a long-lasting culture for current and future students.

“From here we hope to build a sporting culture at the school that every student is inspired to be part of whether they simply want to learn the tools to lead a healthy active lifestyle, they want to be the next Usain Bolt, or they have ambitions to be a sports reporter!” she said.

“They are excited to design a logo for our brand, as well as have the opportunity to have their ideas become part of something that will stay with the school for years to come!”

GEMS WIS students have taken to this concept in the same way they approached distance learning and a return to PE lessons that aren’t what they are used to.

“Throughout this whole period, the students have been incredible. It is amazing how resilient they are to change, and how they seem to take everything in their stride,” Underhill said.

“Like all schools across the Gulf we have had to adapt our curriculum to meet the current guidelines and ensure that our students are safe within their PE lessons. We are currently offering a blended curriculum model so are delivering both remote learning and face-to-face PE lessons to students. “

“As well as the WIS PE and Sport Branding Project students are developing their fundamental movement skills, and overall fitness through a range of social distanced activities from fitness and dance to badminton and table tennis. Following this as the weather cools we are looking forward to utilizing our newly refurbished 3G and multi-purpose courts to continue to develop students overall well-being through a wider variety of activities.”