The Dubai 7s 2023 became a huge hit with the Gulf youth, as youngsters had a phenomenal time enjoying sport over the weekend.
Sport was in full throttle for the beginning of December, as rugby and netball action took over the delightful Persian Gulf coast.
The Gulf Under 19s rugby tournament competitive matches took the crowd’s excitement by storm, creating an intergenic atmosphere.
First, Jumeirah English Speaking School’s (JESS) Boys U19 Rugby team made the most out of their campaign run. JESS sport cruised their way through the competition leading them to play in the cup final. Through a strong team effort, JESS became victorious in the Gulf U19 event by defeating Dubai Exiles,19-5.
On the girls’ side of the Gulf Under 19s rugby action, it was Dubai College’s (DC) team chemistry leading them to become cup final bound. Next, DC had a challenging cup final quest, as they went head-on with the JESS Blues. DC overcame the adversity with a team effort that led to a commanding 33-12 result, crowning them cup champions.

Not only was Dubai College sport dominant on the rugby pitch, but displayed tremendous success in Dubai 7s netball too. After pivoting through the Gulf Youth Aspire Cup, DC would have a match date set against Jebel Ali School. It would take the final whistle blown for Dubai College to be victors in the cup final, with a close 9-8 win.
Continuing with netball, JESS Dubai Sport continued to make noise in the Dubai 7s. Through sensational performances the school won a tournament triple-crown, winning silverware in the U11, U13, and U15 age group categories.

It wasn’t just local schools that enjoyed the atmosphere and festivities of the tournament, but also the community youth.
The community’s youth charity efforts gained a boost from the Dubai 7s as the 100 World Legends Rugby Team made it their mission to uplift spirits.
Niall Statham, a member of the 100 World Legends explained the team’s formation wasn’t for rugby first, “100 World Legends is a charity invitational team, set up by David Higgins. Fundamentally, it’s an over-35s team where all players are ex-internationals who compete in different tournaments around the world. However, the rugby is ultimately secondary to the core mission of the project, which is to support local charities, clubs, events, and good causes.”
While on the team’s Dubai 7’s tour, the World Legends made a special visit to Al Jalila Children’s Hospital. Through a surprise visit, children in the surgical ward became ecstatic once they were greeted by rugby superstars, such as Paul Sampson, Lee Dixon, and Daffyd James. Players then began signing rugby balls at hospital for the youngsters. Lastly, on the agenda, photos with rugby legends would be in-store for kids staying at the hospital.
The World Legends squad also provided their time to local charity efforts by working with Dubai Affiliated School Sport Association (DASSA) and Special Olympics UAE to put on a unified rugby session.
Not only was the veteran’s team successful with giving back to the Dubai community, but also on the pitch. The legends later earned a trip to the podium, by being crowned International Vets Invitational plate winners, by a final score of 24-7.
After an extremely successful run, the Legends are looking to come roaring back to the Dubai area states Niall, “The team will be back out again next year looking to get involved in supporting more local initiatives, very much hoping to be part of it again, but hopefully a few kgs lighter!”
We are proud to be partnering with the 100 World Legends’ tour sponsor, World School Games (WSG). Look at what else WSG is up to regarding upcoming sporting events by clicking here.
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