The staff and students at GEMS Wellington International School aren’t shying away from the Dubai Fitness Challenge. Quite the opposite in fact. The school has established a site for Dubai 30X30 showcasing almost every option available.
There’s the StravART Challenge where students are encouraged to create patterns or images during their run or there’s the option of cycling the distance between all seven Emirates.
GEMS WIS Director of Sport Hannah Underhill explained how the website works in motivating students to be active.

“This year we launched the challenge with a whole school live event on the 28th October. During the event the PE team introduced our dedicated 30×30 website to our students and streamed a fitness challenge across the FS to year 13 classrooms and to our remote learners at home,” she said.
“Over the course of the month students will be logging their 30 minutes of exercise on the website, getting involved with the Gulf Youth Sport initiatives, taking part in a series of whole school challenges, as well as checking out the events hosted by the Dubai Fitness Challenge across Dubai.
“We can’t wait to host our finale event on the 26th November, and see all the great things that our community gets up to over the course of the month and beyond, as 30 minutes of exercise should be something that we all strive to do everyday not just during the Dubai Fitness Challenge!”
In a year where COVID-19 forced the majority of exercise to be self directed, Underhill said she was thrilled to see the whole GEMS WIS community be involved.
“The Dubai Fitness Challenge is an awesome initiative that is run across the whole of Dubai. Now more than ever it is vital that students, parents and teachers are staying active, and it is always great to see the whole community come together to complete 30 minutes of exercise for 30 days,” she said.