All things going well, DASSA competition will be able to resume in January. With every day that passes, a return to sporting competition between schools inches closer. For many students weekly DASSA competition is a highlight and while we’re not at that point at the moment, the organisation will be ready when the day comes.
DASSA primary coordinator David Tangney said that a return to primary DASSA inter-school sport will be gradual.

“In terms of what this looks like in the coming months, the next step is for school sport to return in our own school grounds with training before and after the school day. We would then follow this with some small regional friendlies matches towards the start of the winter months and hopefully have a competitive season of fixtures begin in January,” he said.
But if protocols allow for an earlier start, the organisation has already formulated different plans they can swing into action to have kids back playing competitive sport as soon as possible.
“In regards to primary competitions we are waiting with bated breath to see the Dubai Sports Council and KHDA further updates,” Tangney said.
“The fact we have many of the schools re-opening this week is a fantastic step and with everything going well we hope to see some form of school competition beginning soon. We would of course jump at the chance to start sooner and DASSA has formed many different restart scenarios that can be implemented upon receiving any new positive guidance/protocols.”