E-Sports starlets on verge of American Dream

A talented group of young footballers are edging ever closer to realising their American Soccer Scholarship dreams thanks to a pioneering initiative from ESM.


Five players, Akex Hope, ,,, and , all part of ESM’s Advanced U17 team, spent four weeks in the USA last summer, where they spent four weeks honing their skills with, and catching the eye of, some of the most prestigious universities in the country.


Having impressed during their time in the States, the boys are now preparing minds and bodies for the rigours of life as a student athlete.


Terry Kidd, Director of Football at ESM, has been instrumental in  the design and implementation of ESM’s Scholarship pathway. Even he has been taken aback with how the initiative has turned out:


“Quote on why it was set up – the opportunity a scholarship could bring”


He believes the time the players spent in the United States was invaluable, and acted as a real motivator for the boys:


“How amazing the experience/coaching/facilities were – and what that has done for focus/motivation”


Competition for Scholarship places is incredibly fierce in the top Colleges, but ESM are giving their players every chance to grab the opportunity with both hands.


“Test preparation, strength and conditioning, additional technical training.”


Hope, one of the Academy’s brightest prospects, spoke of his excitement and desire to play in the States.


“Being over there amazing – chance to combine high level sports and continue academic pursuits would be dream come true”


Although the initiative is still in its’ pilot-phase, Kidd believes the Academy are blazing a trail for future generations:


“Plans to implement the pathway – more players next year and many more in years to come.”