GenNext Kings’ Cricket Academy Ready to Rock N’ Roll

The launch of Rachivandran Ashwin and Kings’ School’s new coaching academy in Dubai has filled UAE cricket players with hope and happiness. 


Rachivandran Ashwin, the owner of GenNext Cricket Academy, as well as one of the most top ranked bowlers in the world, partnered with Kings’ School in Dubai in August to open up a cricket academy to provide a unique coaching program designed by him. Ashwin has high hopes to help players of all ages and skill levels improve to their fullest ability. Based on his outstanding cricketing experience, he said, “This partnership is definitely going to contribute to continuous improvement in coaching techniques with a flavour of innovation and drive to excel”.


The new Cricket Academy, Kings’ GenNext is almost up and running and all informative details can be found on their official Facebook Page :


Speaking about the launch of his new cricket academy in Dubai, said: "Kings GenNext in Dubai is ready to rock and roll. I am arriving there shortly".


Kobus Olivier, Director of Cricket at Kings School, said: “Ashwin is keen on making an impact on every child and has invested in coaching so the partnership between Kings’ and Ashwin’s GenNext coaches is bound to be a special one. Kings’ is about producing balanced, talented, well-rounded and disciplined students and Ashwin’s involvement will be a big boost.”


Head over to their page to find further information on the academy, as well as videos and updates!